Sunday, April 15, 2012

Introducing Hudson Dean

Hudson Dean was born on March 14, 2012
7 lbs 8 oz
19 in
6:22 P.M.

I can honestly say that this delivery was way easier, but more painful, than Nikelle.  I was at work and just excused the kids (lucky it was short day).  My friend and I walked across the school to talk to the teacher that would be taking my class when I planned to leavet he following week.  As we sat in her room I started having bad pains.  All the sudden they kept on coming.  Laurie and I decided we should head back to my room and take cans (since the pile was very large).  As we were loading the cans I could not even stand up.  This was about 1:45.  I called Nik and told him that I was having bad pains that would not stop, so he left work and we decided that he would just come and get me from work.  Laurie helped me to the library to lay down on the couch where Kim and Pat kept me company.  This is when I really thought I was in labor.  The pains were so different then with Nikelle....these ones hurt way bad! 

Nik got to my work quickly and we drove up to the hospital.  I did manage to walk up to the 4th floor by myself because the parking lot was crazy!   It was around 2:30 when we got there.  The nurse checked me and I was already at a 5!  They rushed me into my room gave me wonderful pain medicine...haha by then I was at a 7, this was around 3:45.  Nik was calling family to let them know and it was quite funny that my sister-in-law thought she had a lot of time, and I really thought I did too. Little did we know we only had a few short hours. 

5:45ish I was getting comfortable, and ready for the long road ahead the nurse informed me that I had about 20 minutes until the baby would be here.  My parents and Nik's parents had just got there shortly before.  The doctor arrived, and baby Hudson was here!