Sunday, April 15, 2012

Easter 2012

Happy Easter!
Easter was so much fun this year.  Nikelle really gets into the holidays now.  We got up Saturday and got ready to go to an Easter Egg Hunt.  It was nice, and it was later in the day.  She had fun gathering eggs and then she caught on that there was candy inside the eggs.  This distracted her and by the time she got going again, all the eggs were gone. But, she got a good stash.

 Before the Hunt

 After the Hunt

Later that day......
Nik's family came over and we colored eggs.  We had a bunch of stuff for them to put on eggs and the kids had a lot of fun.  Between Anni and Nelle we eneded up with A LOT of pink eggs!

Easter Day

Every Easter Nik's family has an egg hunt with a dinner.  We got up (and I forgot to get a picture of what she got this year)  We did get her a Rose barbie, because she told us that she had all the other princess', but not that one.  She also got a Kite, bubbles, and some candy.  We headed over to his cousins house, had a fabulous dinner, talked with family and had the traditional kid egg hunt.  This year Nik's Grandma put dollar coins in a special egg for each kid.  Nelle really loved it! 

Anni and her eggs!

 Rykie the nerd
 Kenna doing her thing!

Mr. Handsom

Thos of you that know Hudson, he doesn't really cry.  He didn't cry when he was born and doesn't cry for a long period of time.  This was one of his fits.  He was just done!  But, don't worry, when we picked him up he stopped like always!