Saturday, April 28, 2012

Anna Puppy

Anna Puppy!

On February 28, 2012 we decided that it was time to put our Anna puppy down.  She had lived 15 years, and was Nik's buddy!
The story of Anna
One day a lady went to Nik's parents house and asked if this cute little puppy was theirs.  She was just old enough to be on her own.  Nik's dad said no, but if no one claimed her, he would take her.  A little while later the lady returned with Anna. 

3 years later, I started dating Nik.  Anna did not leave his sight very often.  She instatly knew if Mcdonalds was in the house (because that is Nik's favorite too).  She loved french fries.  Anna was also a neighborhood dog.  All the kids knew her.  When she would get out of the yard (we sometimes did not know how) she would either go to Nik's uncles house, he lived around the corner from them, or she would go up to his other uncle's house.  We always knew where to find Anna. 

Anna was always a good dog to help other dogs too.  One day Nik and I brought Jetta home.  Jetta instantly stayed by her side.  She followed Anna everywhere she went.  Even now, you can tell Jetta is a little lost.  Anna also loved babies.  If someone brought over a baby, Anna would sit there with them.  What can we say she was an amazing dog!

Clair and Anna jumping on Nik's lap.
 Always a smile on Anna's face!

The sleepy Anna!

Anna and baby Clair
Anna with Jetta
This is what I made for Nik when we found out Anna most likely had bone cancer.

The final days of Anna
We wanted to keep her around as long as we could.  Her vet said she would maybe only live 3 months....that was June of 2011.  She made it longer than anyone thought.  We were hoping to keep her around to meet Hudson, but she was a few weeks short.  We knew it was time.  It was one of the hardest things to do.  She wasn't just our dog she was the family dog.  On the last day, Nik gave her one last thing of fries, and we said our goodbye.  Her vet is so great.  I hope we never need to find a new one for our pets.  They let us sit with her as long as we needed.  We did keep her ashes, she was just to sweet and such a great memory for Nik.

She is and will continued to be greatly missed, she was honestly the best dog you could ever hope for.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Sick baby Hudson

Our little Hudson found himself in the hospital on Monday, April 16, 2012 with RSV.

On the previous Saturday, Hudson was having a hard time eating and was just not acting himself.  I thought it was because I had given him a lot of gas drops on accident.  So, Saturday night he woke up coughing.  I thought it was a little strange, and thought maybe he was just conjested.  We went through Sunday with him not acting like himself at all.  He was crying more and would not sleep.  Sunday night when Nik was feeding him, he threw up a bunch of mucus (eww).  We did the normal thing you do and sucked out his nose, and thought it was because he was fighting us on feeding still.  During that night I started to worry about him.  He was having a hard time breathing and started coughing more.  That night was a long night.  I stayed up most of the night and kept an eye on him.  Monday morning when we woke up, I called his doctor and left a message to wheather I should bring him in or not.  I ran to walmart and got more salene spray and a humidifyer (ours died the week before).  While I was at the store, his doctor called, and said she wanted to see him right away to make sure.  She was worried because of his rapid breathing.  I took him in, and they cleaned out his nose (and boy, I sure missed a lot!)  They tested it for RSV and it came back positive.  The doctor kept me at the office and had me feed him.  She didn't like the way he was having a hard time breathing while eating and then he could not slow down his breathing.  After about an hour in the office she sent us up to the hospital so he could be watched.

Once we were up at the hospital they hooked him up to monitors to watch everything and then about 50 people came in and told us what they would be doing for us for the night.  He had respatory people that would come in every few hours and clean him out, the nurses doing the normal stuff, the resident doctor doing more frequent checks and then the doctor that was steping in for his doctor. 

He did pretty well through the night and we only had to do one deep suctioning to him breath better.  He started eating better, without choking.  He was beginning to be our happy baby again.

I feel bad because I didn't get to take any hospital pictures....I was a little sleepy.  But, this picture is from the next day when we got home. 

At his checkup yesterday, he was doing much better and will just have a bad cough for about a week.  I am greatful that it didn't get worse than what it did.  What a good little boy he was!

Bathtime Drawings

One thing that Nelle loves to do is draw!  Ever since she was little she has had bathtime crayons and markers.  Each night she loves to draw pictures of silly things.  Lately her thing has been to draw more detail to her people.  Nelle always draws the family on the tub wall.  This night was no different. 

1st picture!
She drew a picture of Nik with his hair, belly button, and then was including the family ont he side.

2nd picture!
This one of Nik has his belly button, but notice his "beard" (what nelle calls it) is above the belly button.  Then she carefully added daddy holding Hudson!

What a great artist!  

Sunday, April 15, 2012

1 Month Old

Hudson is 1 month old!

Our sweet Hudson is one month old.  He has grown up so much in such a short time.  He is an amazing baby.  He is so calm but wiggly baby.  He loves his sister's voice.  And, Nikelle loves him so much!  She is a great helper.  Hudson is trying hard to smile and talk to you.  He hardly crys unless you don't answer him. (and even then it takes awhile)
I can honestly say I'm going to miss staying home with the kiddos! 
Trying to get away from one of the many hugs???
The Huds in the princess swing (the only girl thing I bought for Nelle)  It will have to do!

 Sleepy head

Easter 2012

Happy Easter!
Easter was so much fun this year.  Nikelle really gets into the holidays now.  We got up Saturday and got ready to go to an Easter Egg Hunt.  It was nice, and it was later in the day.  She had fun gathering eggs and then she caught on that there was candy inside the eggs.  This distracted her and by the time she got going again, all the eggs were gone. But, she got a good stash.

 Before the Hunt

 After the Hunt

Later that day......
Nik's family came over and we colored eggs.  We had a bunch of stuff for them to put on eggs and the kids had a lot of fun.  Between Anni and Nelle we eneded up with A LOT of pink eggs!

Easter Day

Every Easter Nik's family has an egg hunt with a dinner.  We got up (and I forgot to get a picture of what she got this year)  We did get her a Rose barbie, because she told us that she had all the other princess', but not that one.  She also got a Kite, bubbles, and some candy.  We headed over to his cousins house, had a fabulous dinner, talked with family and had the traditional kid egg hunt.  This year Nik's Grandma put dollar coins in a special egg for each kid.  Nelle really loved it! 

Anni and her eggs!

 Rykie the nerd
 Kenna doing her thing!

Mr. Handsom

Thos of you that know Hudson, he doesn't really cry.  He didn't cry when he was born and doesn't cry for a long period of time.  This was one of his fits.  He was just done!  But, don't worry, when we picked him up he stopped like always!

Baby Animal days

What can I say...I have some great friends!  While I have been on maternity leave, I have had great visitors (besides family).  They have kept me busy and have made this go around much better.  It is nice to get out of the house and not be stuck inside all day!  During Spring break Heidi and I ventured up to Logan for Baby Animal Days.  We had no idea what to expect and we can say...we will be more prepared next year!  After about an hour of waiting in line to get in, the kids got to see different animals and pet them.  Nikelle and Huston loved it! Although, the lines to do things were a little long, but it was fun.   Now, Nikelle is convinced she is getting a bunny.  It was a great outing!

Introducing Hudson Dean

Hudson Dean was born on March 14, 2012
7 lbs 8 oz
19 in
6:22 P.M.

I can honestly say that this delivery was way easier, but more painful, than Nikelle.  I was at work and just excused the kids (lucky it was short day).  My friend and I walked across the school to talk to the teacher that would be taking my class when I planned to leavet he following week.  As we sat in her room I started having bad pains.  All the sudden they kept on coming.  Laurie and I decided we should head back to my room and take cans (since the pile was very large).  As we were loading the cans I could not even stand up.  This was about 1:45.  I called Nik and told him that I was having bad pains that would not stop, so he left work and we decided that he would just come and get me from work.  Laurie helped me to the library to lay down on the couch where Kim and Pat kept me company.  This is when I really thought I was in labor.  The pains were so different then with Nikelle....these ones hurt way bad! 

Nik got to my work quickly and we drove up to the hospital.  I did manage to walk up to the 4th floor by myself because the parking lot was crazy!   It was around 2:30 when we got there.  The nurse checked me and I was already at a 5!  They rushed me into my room gave me wonderful pain medicine...haha by then I was at a 7, this was around 3:45.  Nik was calling family to let them know and it was quite funny that my sister-in-law thought she had a lot of time, and I really thought I did too. Little did we know we only had a few short hours. 

5:45ish I was getting comfortable, and ready for the long road ahead the nurse informed me that I had about 20 minutes until the baby would be here.  My parents and Nik's parents had just got there shortly before.  The doctor arrived, and baby Hudson was here! 

Nelle's Modeling

Nikelle is a princess!  She loves the camera, especially if it is me and her. She will pose all day and want to look at her pictures.  She also loves to play dress up and then walk around the house modeling all her poses. Sometimes....I get a little worried, where does she get some of her poses?  She has also liked to dress herself and all she wears is dresses and skirts.  Even on lazy days, she insists that she is in a dress.  The more poof the better!  I really do wish Nelle could stay this age forever she is so much fun!

 At the park

 In her favorite princess dress.....Rose!
 Adding a few accessories.
 Work it girl!

Looking smart!