If anyone knows Nik's mom, Beckie, or otherwise known as Grandma China, well she is crafty. I am so lucky to have a great mother in-law that is willing to help me as much as my own mom. So, she is into making these hats here lately and when Nikelle was born she made her one.........
as you can see it was a little small.
That is some skill....it is hard to get something to small for little Nikelle.
So, she gave another try, but was trying to make one for Nikelle's cousin, Aniston, because hers was to large. Well, now this one was a little tight on little tubby's head, so it fit Nikelle. Awwww isn't it adorable?!?!?
Also, I promised some pics of her cute room. Well, it is not all the way done, but here is the main idea.
3 years ago
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