Nikelle is getting so big! She is now 19 months and weighs just over 21 lbs. She is such a joy to be around. I love that she is learning new words like: no, no nap, no (with a dirty look), and so many others. She has discovered the outdoors, and helps herself through the doggy door. She does crack us up!
Nikelle loves Gabba and will ask for "muno". If you don't know who Muno is, well he is the big orange/red guy on Yo Gabba Gabba. Every night before she goes to bed we sit on my bed and watch Muno. I don't know if it is a good or bad thing, but I guess she is only little once, and just a little extra cuddle time is worth it.
So, Nik's sister sells squeeky shoes. I have to say, I do love them. Nikelle does too! She now can get into her drawer and find her shoes. Most of them she puts on by herself. Well, she started this thing. When you put them on she dances. We call it the squeeky shoe dance. Nik started making noices (he calls it beat boxing...good thing he stays with his day job). Now, Nikelle would dance to this. One night we got this on video...
3 years ago
That is adorable. She has some good moves. :)
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